Customer Testimonials

What Your Neighbors Say About Us:

"Thank you for the great job. We can feel the difference."
— Mark H.

"We wanted to let you know that our A/C and hot water tank are working great.
Thank you,"
— Ray & MaryLee Y.

"Thank you for coming out yesterday. It's definitely working now! It was freezing when we came in this morning.
Thank You, "
— Jess W.

"I am very impressed with your work and your dependability as well as your professionalism. I look forward to hearing good things from our tenants about the AC! Please use me should you have need for a reference from a very satisfied and happy client. I look forward to our continuing relationship.
My Best,"
— Larry H.

"Our sincerest thanks for your professional work and excellent service. Please know that we are completely pleased with all of the work you have done. Feel free to use us as a reference for future customers.
Thank you again!!"
— John and Lori J.

"Courteous and Reliable...I have used True Comfort several times for boiler/heater repairs and I would recommend them to anyone requiring HVAC work in their home."
— Angelica R.

"Joe and his crew at True Comfort installed a high efficiency heater in our beach house and did a very neat and quality job. I will use them again and would recommend them to anyone in the lower Delaware area."
— Russ B.

"Joe is fantastic and very fair. I have used on multiple projects with no complaints!"
— Scott W.

Map & Directions
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Get In Touch
ADDRESS:   7370 Gum Branch Rd.
Seaford, DE 19973
PHONE:   (302) 628-8292
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For AC repair in Seaford DE, like us on Facebook!
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To schedule your Air Conditioner installation in Seaford DE, just email us!
Check out Home Comfort Advisor to learn about what you need to consider before buying HVAC units online!